Anyone diagnosed with breast cancer should instantly be concerned about translatable research (therapies) no matter their early stage and be acutely aware of their potential to become METASTATIC. Because 30% (after all) do metastasize.
We've played the awareness game so long we can regurgitate these nuggets like a reflex and it's giving me reflux (ha!). It's become robotic. And it isn't making the slightest dent in the death toll.
We know this because three decades of awareness has gone by and still every year in this country we surpass the 40,000 mark. And every year those numbers seem to be swept under the rug in the hope that no one will notice.
It is so appalling to me that in our age of modernity and techno advances we still have not evolved enough to actually track metastasis in patients in order to have better data. So that we may show the hard evidence!
Research (NOT AWARENESS) is what we need. I dare say an entire revolution is what we need when it comes to breast cancer.
Supporting new, trendy, yet redundant and often deceitful "AWARENESS" campaigns is (IMO) like sponsoring the deaths of 40,000+ people a year in the US. You might as well be the undertaker.
So...essentially...if you jump on the PINK band wagon and vomit the same ludicrous things like "early detection saves lives" or "mammograms save lives" or that breast cancer is the "good cancer" (because we get so much money) or if you were just more positive you'd get better or if only you'd just "cop'd a feel" ...well then my friend you're part of the problem! A very deadly problem that might one day actually be your problem.
And then who will you turn to?
Food for thought. I mean...I've certainly thought about it. Have you?
#metsmonday #dontignorestageiv
post script... I never said I didn't have strong opinions.