It is not okay to sexualize breast cancer.
It is not a sexy disease. It does nothing to make us feel sexy. In fact, we often lose parts of our body that do just that and even those who don't lose their breasts are left feeling nothing like they used to.
We are scarred, poked, prodded, dissected, amputated, burned and chemically tortured. After all of that we are unquestionably and irrevocably changed. We suffer. We struggle. We are not okay. And many (too many) will die from this disease.
Approximately 108 people die in this country every day from metastatic breast cancer. YSC knows this. So for an organization like Young Survival Coalition (whom I thought knew better) to align themselves with a campaign that clearly wants to simplify what breast cancer is all about and profit from it is just downright hypocritical and entirely insensitive. It's quite dirty if you ask me.
This was an EPIC FAIL on the part of Young Survival Coalition yesterday when they decided to post this photo of their partnership with Spencer's Gifts and the "Boobies Make Me Smile" Campaign/Foundation.
As soon as the post aired I took a position. I even commented on the thread. Soon after YSC replied to me directly with this comment.
Women everywhere were commenting about how awful this choice was. Yet YSC maintained that they are in fact empowering young women and reaching their target audience with the help of Spencer's.
How does it help educate and empower young women about the devastating effects and impact of breast cancer by using tacky, distasteful marketing ploys like boobies and tie dye? Really YSC, what is wrong with you? You are the company you keep.
After a slew of negative feedback about this horrible association, YSC has since removed their post from their Facebook page. A sincere apology and disassociation from this campaign however has not happened.
Beth Caldwell wrote a wonderful open letter last night in response to this debacle and you can read it here.
Take a stand.
xo Melissa
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