Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Name. Rank. Serial Number.

Sometimes I think...in the cancer community...we assimilate into more military type language than we realize.
And I'm not talking just "Battle Language." I'm talking about how we quickly fall into line with our NAME RANK & SERIAL NUMBERS.
Hi. My name is Melissa.
Diagnosed April 2013 - age 37
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
Stage 1a
Tumor 1.8cm Grade 2
BMX June 2013
NO node involvement
11 nodes removed
Oncotype 10
No chemo
No radiation
Hormone therapy - Tamoxifen
Chose Reconstruction
Expanders June 2013
Silicone Implants October 2013
Tattoos October 2014
But this data...
...this data doesn't begin to describe who I am or how this has all made me feel. It altered me in innumerable ways. IT impacted me FOREVER.
Try not to forget. We are more that our data.

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