Sunday, February 9, 2014

Saying Goodbye To Cara

November 2013 was also a really hard month for our family regarding life with Cara.  
We started to learn some heartbreaking things were happening in her life.  We would soon realize we hardly knew the half of it.  This would be the saddest part of my entire year.  Forget cancer.  I wanted to fight for Cara and we did.  But eventually the fight for her would end in her return to live with her mother (something I was really against in my heart) which is what she really ultimately wanted.
She left on a plane the day after Thanksgiving.  
Only 6 months after she arrived.  

I'm still reeling from what happened and I am still trying to live with this change but I find it very difficult. 
I miss her, love her, worry about her and pray for her.  
There is a whole in my heart in the shape of Cara.

 Boxes Destined to Cara in Idaho

Shakespeare Park Boise Idaho
Outer Banks, NC
Crescent Beach State Park, Maine
Boise Zoo

Space Museum, D.C.
Favorite Pic of Us!

1 comment:

  1. This touched my heart so very much, Melissa. Thank you for sharing the link to bring me here.
