Saturday, February 1, 2014

What Was Left of the Summer of 2013

July ~ August ~ September

So we all have to begin again at some point.
This is great inspiration.  I love Jennifer Pastiloff!  

My summer had a ton on the calendar and most of it included doctor visits, follow-ups, Cara and Jace (my adorable grandson).  Cara needed to be registered for school, she was in two volleyball camps and needed to tryout for the volleyball team at her new high school.

But before Volleyball she gave a try at archery!  Soooo Cooool!  She was totally working her Katniss vibe from The Hunger Games!

And then we rescued a little kitten!  
As though we needed something else to take care of...but I couldn't let him go.  Cara wanted a cat and I had told her when the time was right, a cat would find its way to us.  And then as we pulled into the grocery store parking lot in the heat of July there here was.  He ran and got up under the hood of someone's car where the engine is.  Three men helped us get him out.  How could I possibly say to Cara he wasn't meant for us?  He presented himself loud and clear.  
We named him Niles.

  I think Cara spent the entire summer, besides taking excellent care of me, sweating her butt off on the volleyball court of her high school.  After Maine, she had completed the two camps back to back and each one started early in the morning and ended in the late afternoon.  They were everyday of the week.  

That sweet girl was pooped by the time it was over.  And then the tryouts for the team started.  They ran daily and all day as well.  And even after making the team she continued to practice with the team daily until school started...and then until the season ended.  It was a little insane and it was my first time being any sort of  "sport mom."  As tiring as it was I have to report that I really loved being so involved her life for the first time.

My Birthday Came And Went!

Thirty Eight Years sure goes by quick!  And I found myself pondering all that had happened in those nearly four decades of my life.  And asking the question we all ask when we're given the diagnosis of cancer. 

"Why me?"  "How did this happen?"  "What now?"

I'll tell you a secret.  The only question you are going to be able to answer is the "What now?" 
And not everyone will find it right away.  A few do I think.  But I'm still figuring that one out.  I'll let you all know when I find my answer to that very very big question and dilemma.

On the weekends when we had down time we tried to relax...just relax!


And then the Cicadas came!  
After 17 years in the ground, they emerged and the whole state of Virginia was a buzzzzzzz!

We also had a friendly Toad that appeared every night outside our door entry.  After the long summer he got pretty fat.  One night while walking the dog I saw one in the parking lot of our apartments that was bigger than any toad I had ever seen and I shooed him away so he wouldn't be smooshed by a passing car.  

Just before school started Cara's mom (my husband's ex-wife) came to visit and spend some time with Cara before she started school.  It was a very nice visit.  Her mom and I had managed over the years to become friends.  And I truly valued our relationship because the one person who would benefit beyond measure from that relationship would be Cara.  She spent 10 days with us and she was able to see Cara practice with her team (she made JV her Freshman year) and be here when she got home from her first day of high school.  It was great.
We really tried to normalize our lives again even though we weren't sure how.

Dale fished and gardened his heart out!  Two of his three loves.  The other being cooking! 
I lucked out with the cooking part!

It was all in all a good summer with more than enough memories to go around.
What I love most is my family.  And the infinite wisdom of the universe to bring to your door thing thing you need most when you need it most.
Life is ever changing and beautiful ~ Isn't it?

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