Monday, April 22, 2013

"Crossing Over"

*note...I have since changed the name of the blog from Attraversiamo to Reconstructed Me.  

I once read the book Eat Pray Love and I wanted to fall into the pages and feel and experience all the sounds, and sights and tastes I was reading about.  There was one particular piece in the story where the woman describes her favorite word while living in Italy and learning Italian.  The word was "Attraversiamo."  It means, let us cross over.  Like crossing the street.  But in a more figurative way, let's take the next step, let's move forward.  I loved this so much that as I enter this chapter in my own personal story I want to remember that we are simply crossing the next place, space, stage, whatever you want to call it.  And this will be my journal of this process.
Below is a great imagery of where I stand and the idea of crossing over.  I found it online and thought it perfect to share in my first blog.  This is an excerpt from Ian Paul Marshall's website.  
"The middle ground of life is a double sided coin. On one side is the comfort of the familiar. And on the other the fear of the unknown.
We sort-of crave and are repulsed by both.
We hate being in the gray zone. That in between place. Stuck between worlds. Not sure where we’re going and a little hurt by where we've been.
But at the same time we crave routine. We do everything in our power to create it. And if it’s shaken in any way, we’re rocked to the core.
But you see, it’s that possibility, of touching your core that brings about the greatest insights, awareness and understanding.
And maybe somewhere within our minds we know that.
We know that if we have the courage to “crossover” and move forward we’ll be stepping into the unknown. Discovering aspects of who we are. Exploring uncharted territories of ourselves. And there’s a huge chance that we’ll step forward naked, wearing only our scars of triumph and defeat for the world to see.
And this scares the crap out of us.... " - Ian Paul Marshall

That's it...that's pretty much how I feel right now.  I'm on this brink, this edge of some invisible cliff and it scares the crap out of me because I can't see what's next and the familiar and comfort I know and want so much right now seems miles away, strewn about in the wind after the terrible storm that hit my life on 04-12-13.  I'm about the cross over into something I've never imagined in my wildest dreams.

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