Friday, January 31, 2014

...Plot Twist Continued

July 2013

We returned from our trip to Maine and I couldn't wait to see my plastic surgeon.  It was the first thing on my agenda the morning after we returned.  Immediately upon seeing me he was able to ascertain that the expander had in fact been damaged and was seriously leaking its contents.  

The leaking was not of concern, that was just saline.  However, the empty expander in my pocket of skin was extremely painful and had by now folded over on itself.  I could feel every fold and hard edge of it and moving, especially bending forward was not a pleasant experience at all.  

The only explanation was the impact of the seat belt during the car accident had damaged the expander and it eventually emptied almost its entire contents, unable to hold fluid anymore.

More Bad News
I needed to have surgery to replace the damaged tissue expander.

The Good News
The insurance from the driver that hit us paid all my medical expenses and what theirs didn't cover mine picked up the rest.  Thank goodness for buying underinsured coverage!  And there was a settlement.  Amen.  Thank you.  That is all I have to say about that.

I lived lopsided and deformed (which was how I was feeling) for 10 more days before surgery.  The constant pain and poking and rubbing of that collapsed piece of plastic in my chest.  I walked around wearing anything I could to camouflage the fact that I had one full breast and one flat breast.  I avoided public outings if at all possible.  Friends and family only was my rule.


July 18th 2013
Finally Surgery Day Arrived!
(almost 1 month after the car accident)

No pics this time...I must have been over taking pictures which as you can tell is SO unlike me!

But I do have after pics that show me happy to be done with another surgery.  
Been there done that!  Do not repeat.

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Vacationland and One Shrinking Boob!

July 2013

Annual Fourth of July Vacation in Maine

Family Time

Fun, Relaxing Time

Life slows down in Maine and we like it!  

It's where I grew up.

What can be better than casual days, lobster dinners, late nights on the deck and the sounds of loons on the pond.  Basically a vacation that includes NO PLANS.

I did leave with something I hadn't planned on...a horrible sun burn!

 And One Shrinking Boob!


 I was emailing my plastic surgeon the entire time I was in Maine explaining the changes, emailing photos and planning to see him the day I got back home.  Something was terribly wrong.  I knew it was the car accident.  It had damaged the expander.