Monday, January 27, 2014

A Race

Update 2014:
My feelings regarding SGK have changed drastically.  This happens generally after you've healed and are fighting the good fight and realizing that not everything is what it seems.  SGK is not what it seems.  So I won't remove the post because it's what was happening in the early part of my journey.  But I'll never walk in their event or support their foundation because it is (in my opinion) a damaged and grossly misguided organization.

May 2013

My first ever Breast Cancer Event!

I must say, it was very unexpectedly emotional.  It was a few weeks before surgery and one day before Cara's arrival.  I was overwhelmed with the energy on The Mall in D.C.  Pink was everywhere and I felt like I was walking aimlessly in the abyss of pink feathers, beads, hats, glasses, pins, shirts, tutus and the like.  Gifts and goody bags were donned on the backs of most passer byes.  I felt like Dorothy as she arrived in Munchkin Land.

My focus and priority for the entire event was to find a spot in view of the stage and watch my new friend give a speech to that enormous crowd of Pepto Bismol colored survivors, supporters and sponsors.

At times I found myself on the verge of tears simply over the enormity of what I was still processing and taking in about my own diagnosis and then seeing all these people who had "been there, done that" or were giving their times selflessly to help the fight.  But I choked back the tears by biting my lip and reminding myself how embarrassed I would be if I did.

Kristi's speech was lovely.  Spoken from the heart of a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter and a friend.  Spoken with courage, bravery and conviction whilst sporting her pink knee high socks and purple sparkly survivor super hero cape.  She is in fact one of my heroes.

I didn't walk or run.  I just meandered and wondered my way around the lawn beneath the Washington Monument in it's state of repair and cloak of scaffolding.  Eventually I found my way back to my lovely husband who had driven me all the way into the city that early morning and drove around and around and around looking for a parking spot while I took in the whole experience myself.

We reunited in front of the White House and I'll never forget that day, that time, that moment.

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