Saturday, January 18, 2014

My My How Time Flies!


Hello everyone!

I've been M.I.A on this blog for eight months.  In that time so much has happened.  I'll attempt to explain as the days go by and I find my way back to writing here for the record.  But to update you on my cancer journey I have completed my treatment and am CANCER FREE...YAY!

I underwent reconstruction and completed the last surgery at the end of October.  I'm 2 months post op and feeling all sorts of emotions.  For the most part I feel happy, healthy and best of all ALIVE!  I am grateful everyday and try to find ways to inspire others and give back in some way.  On the other hand I struggle with feelings of sadness, confusion, anxiety, depression, physical aches and pains, neuropathy, and overall discomfort.

Cancer isn't pretty and life after cancer can be a tricky process of navigating one's way back to life.  There is no back to normal.  I hope to document that I describe my own journey back to life.


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